
Matrimonial union goes beyond celebration and marital life but also reveals the Family Purpose so that the calling of both partners can find expression in oneness.

Here at BondedSingles, we believe true love comes from GOD and GOD only. Love based on human effort is only temporary. Humans can never exist more than humans, because we are limited based on imperfections, and being perfected by the help of  GOD. That’s why here in Bonded Singles we believe in GOD’S direction, instruction, and restriction in finding the right partner, not just ephemerally, but permanently. A divinely assigned helpmeet fit for Calling.

Human capacity is not enough to sustain a relationship or marriage, due to reasons or incidents that occur due to differences in character, way of life, upbringing, and more. Just like the elastic limit, it breaks at the endpoint. Some limits may last for many years and some don’t last at all, due to incompatibility.

In some situations Couples sometimes stay in a relationship or marriage, knowing fully well there is nothing in it for them, and in most cases, they result to finding carnal happiness secretly outside for years, just for the fear of not divorcing or hurting each other. Don’t blame the Man or the Lady, It was only on human effort. No court or person in heaven and on earth can divorce what GOD joined. GOD trained the Person before assigning. Preparing before Marriage goes a long way than preparing in marriage. Beware of the ravaging marital pattern being imitated out there, known as one-day marriage. Meaning, one day for knowing all about the person. A destructive pattern!

Beware of systems and people in systems that don’t understand the calling of a family. Acquiring a job somewhere does give you the edge in managing a family. Such a person, GROUP, OR INSTITUTION won’t mind leading the family astray for carnal gain or constitutional fulfillment. The Constitution was written by men and can be amended at any time. Marriage is GOD creation. Marriage leads to family and the combination of many families leads to Nation creation. Family is the first law before the man-made constitution. If you seek for GOD, you seek for perfection. Union is more about refining each other for perfection. Just like diamonds in the mud, You refine Me and I refine You. You Teach Me and I Teach You.

The heart of humans is very deep, who can tell what’s in the heart by looking at the eyes? or perhaps the tears or the sense of humor? I tell you, people are gifted shedding tears falsely just like in movies, and even more endowed with a great sense of humor. No Title, Degree, Trophy, Possession, or influence guarantees a good character. Regardless of the accomplishment the TRAINED PERSON IN HIS/HER PATH IN CALLING is a vessel unto honor. There are so many professionals you can’t trust out there. The ONE who created is the same ONE that knows, equips, and builds a character because nobody has a better knowledge of themselves than the ONE that created. We discover every day.

Avoid the chewing gum relationship: “sweet initially and bitter in the long run”, avoid wasting your years and effort on lust, seek genuine love here on BondedSingles, and meet the right partner designed by GOD for you unto compatibility. We only provide the platform and guidelines for meeting each other conveniently and accessibly. Seek for Divine guidance in meeting the right person. Seek for accomplishment in family purpose.

Note: Only grace can make a person faithful to his/her partner before love. A person can love the wrong person mistakenly if not guided. Grace keeps a person’s integrity in check even without love. Grace first before love.