Transparent Singles With Good Conduct.


Netiquette, or net etiquette, refers to etiquette on the Internet. Good netiquette involves respecting others’ privacy and not doing anything online that will annoy or frustrate other people. The most important rule of netiquette is “Think before you post or send a message”.

If what you intend to post will not make a positive contribution to the other person and be of interest to other readers if applicable, don’t post it! Personal messages to one or two individuals should not be posted to groups, use private e-mail instead. Re-read and edit your posting carefully before you post. Check the spelling and grammar. Don’t post messages too quickly – wait until you have something to say.

When posting humorous or sarcastic comments, it is conventional to append a smiley, but don’t overuse them. For the majority of us, good manners and common courtesy are second nature and require no special thought. During your day, you will inevitably cross paths with someone less than polite, maybe even rude. Sadly, the online dating world is no different. Anonymity does not suit some people well at all.

Dating is a very personal matter and should be treated with respect. We all have differing concepts of what respect entails, so in an attempt to bridge this gap, BondedSingles has come up with a set of general guidelines to help you while dating online. When registering with BondedSingles, please use your first name so that other members can send you a personalized message. User profiles with usernames that contain profanity, offensive statements, or concepts that are contrary to the law will not be accepted.

Registering with multiple accounts is also strictly prohibited. In your profile, you have the option to upload a photo of yourself. You must observe the following rules when choosing your image: The picture must show yourself and it must be clear who you are. The use of nude or pornographic images, and images of physical or sexual violence, are strictly prohibited. The use of racist or intentionally offensive pictures is also prohibited, as are logos and advertising.

Give a realistic impression of yourself. The content of your profile and messages should not create a deceitful or unrealistic image of who you are. Honesty is the best policy, especially when it comes to online dating. Profiles that contain false information about a user’s identity will be removed without warning. During your search for a partner, you will undoubtedly send a personal message or two. The style of writing you use to communicate with them is crucial and also reveals a lot about who you are. Think and reflect on the impression your words leave.

Being aware of the following points will help you get more positive responses from other members.  Avoid using “mass messaging”. Take the time to write an individual email to your partner matches. Spell-check all messages and avoid overusing smileys, exclamations, and CAPITAL LETTERS. It is forbidden to use vulgar or offensive words when messaging a partner on BondedSingles. 

When communicating over the internet, do not forget that your recipient is also human. Anonymity can adversely affect some people. It is all too easy to lash out and hurt the feelings of other users by being rude or terse. If you encounter a situation that angers you, avoid escalating the situation further. Cease contact and report the user, if necessary. In general, treat others as you would expect to be treated also.

The English language lacks specific punctuation for denoting sarcasm or humor. When making jokes or using sarcasm, consider how your comments can be interpreted. Remember that the receiver of your message cannot see your gestures or facial expressions. A joke made in good faith may offend if it is not immediately apparent. 

Do not share your personal information too quickly. Many users tend to share intimate personal details to develop a relationship further. Before doing so it is always worth your while to stop and ask yourself whether you would be so open and candid if you were sitting across from this person at a restaurant or in a bar, please think. When communicating with another user, with whom you are no longer interested in having further contact, a short, polite message sent promptly is best and appropriate.

This is considered courteous in the world of online dating and avoids a build-up of resentment where the other user is waiting in vain for a reply that will never come. In turn, if you are rejected, respect the user’s decision. Do not exacerbate the situation by sending further messages. A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success.

All messages within the site should be treated as confidential. You may not disclose any details of other users without their express, written permission. Sharing private information on other users with third parties such as blogs, videos, or interviews is strictly forbidden and should be avoided. 

There is no polite way to put this, but please note that soliciting sex is strictly prohibited. BondedSingles is a dating website. There are many alternatives available on the internet if you are looking for services of this nature. Requests for sex via webcam, phone, or chat also fall under this prohibited category, please. Violent, racist, politically extremist, sexist, vulgar, or otherwise objectionable content that injures, offends, harms, or threatens other individuals or groups is not allowed in BondedSingles.

All profiles on BondedSingles must be manually approved by our Customer Care team. We have automated processes in place to eliminate spam, intrusive users, and fake profiles. Nevertheless, it is possible that inappropriate content is not discovered immediately. We appreciate your help in maintaining the quality of the site by utilizing the “report” button to flag content that does not adhere to our guidelines.

Abuse of the “report” button will also lead to your account being blocked in BondedSingles. All content generated by members is checked, and if necessary, violations of the guidelines or terms and conditions will be punished accordingly. A warning shall be issued at the discretion of the operator. Further actions may result in the immediate deletion of the profile, and in some instances may lead to further legal action.

If you believe someone has violated netiquette, send them a message by __private message__, DO NOT post a follow-up to the group. And be polite, they may not realize their mistake, they might be a beginner or may not even have been responsible for the “crime” – their account may have been used by someone else or their address forged.